With a Thank you and apology to those of you who have sent your subscription or recently joined us.
January is the start of our member ship year and I remind you to pay your subscriptions for 2023. You can pay the £5 pa per household into our bank account at HSBC, Account number 61550985 and sort code 40-42-01 (please add your home address as a reference and confirm by e mail to ffcm06@gmail.com ). Our membership subscription pays our costs and maintains the capability to deliver events and host organisations through the Information Centre.
As a member you receive our newsletter and regular updates of our events and activities. You have a vote at the Annual General Meeting. Being a member is also about belonging and making a difference, we want to be inclusive, welcoming new and younger people with new ideas to take part and be engaged with us for the Meadows.
Nick Grant and I attend the St Mary’s & St James Ward Panel, where we have an opportunity to bring any criminal and anti-social behaviour issues on the Meadows to the local police. The ward panel has an open public meeting on Wednesday 1st March 7pm at the United Services Club, Sidcup. See below for full details.
It would be good to see some of the Friends Members at this meeting especially if you are a resident of St Mary’s & St James Ward.
Our pictures to cheer up this ‘Money Please’ message have been submitted by Michael Melia a big thank you, and why not take some seasonal pictures when you are out on the Meadows and send them in to the e mail above.
Many Thanks
Michael Heath – Chair FFCM
